tirsdag 30. juni 2015

Grethe and Stein Rettedal


Grethe and Stein Rettedal joined us the 27th of June in Trogir. Next day we sailed almost to Sibenik, anchored up and spent the night there. We had some difficulties because of strong winds up to 33 knots. Terje had to keep the engine running until Aurora Polaris stopped moving. The wind just carried her away. Finally we could relax and witness a fabulous performance of 5 planes synchronized in a breathtaking maneuver above us. Two of them came flying towards our mast, twisted 360 degrees and just barely touched it (at least we felt like they were). We don't know how long it lasted. It was so unexpected and funny!


After a morning bath and breakfast, 8 o'clock, we started our journey towards Skradin. We hired bikes and cycled 5 km to Krka. After enjoying the beautiful national park, we had a refreshing bath close to the waterfalls. Returned to the boat after one more bath at Skradin beach. 

 Then a lovely peka-dinner on a local Konoba. They picked us up on the pier, and brought us back afterwards.

mandag 22. juni 2015

Mljet-Korcula 22.juni 2015

Tillater meg et innlegg på norsk, siden det var noe misnøye å spore med de vi har skrevet til nå!

Natten 21.-22.juni, lå vi i nasjonalparken på Mljet. Hadde en tur bort til havna med lettbåten. Det var så mye bølger, at noen av oss fikk en god del buksevann, hvis dere forstår hva jeg mener! Etter å ha handlet nødvendig mat, spist "barracuda-liknende" fisk på restaurant, fant de som hadde fått buksevann ut at de heller ville gå på veien bort til bukta hvor de hadde ankret opp. Da kunne de jo bare bli plukket opp av de med lettbåten. God deal! Den ene halvdelen kavet for å få liv i Yamahaen, uten å lykkes. De måtte rett og slett ta årene til hjelp, mens de med buksevannet vandret trøstig i vei og priset seg lykkelige over at ungt blod hadde den verste jobben. Begge halvdelene hadde heldigvis lykt, for det var stummende mørkt, bortsett fra månelyset, da! For det var jo månen som skulle lyse opp veien, ikke lykta, mente halvdelen av de som hadde fått buksevann, helt til vedkommende trådte over og nesten landet på veien. Fortsatt var det ikke nødvendig med lykt! Etter en ganske kort vandring, kom ankerlyset til syne, og de med buksevann pustet lettet ut. Men hvor var de med lettbåten? Heldigvis var det to som hadde med telefon, en på hvert lag! De med lettbåten, hadde måttet ro hele strekningen, hver sin gang, men nå var det ikke langt igjen. Da måtte de med buksevannet finne en påstigningsplass, men helst uten lykt!!! De snudde og gikk litt tilbake, men veien ville ikke helt samarbeide, så den tok rett og slett "hykkas" på vedkommende som ikke ville bruke lykt! Det resulterte i skrubbsår på både armer og bein hos den samme som nesten hadde hilst på veien fra før av. Slukøret fant de stien ned til sjøkanten, ved hjelp av lykta denne gangen. Omsider dukket lettbåten opp, lett å se på grunn av hodelykta de hadde. Vel oppi Aurora Polaris, kunne sårene plastres, og mannskapet kunne gå til sengs.

I morges, etter frokost, hadde de unge et morgenbad! Mljet er som sagt en nasjonalpark, med et yrende liv både på land og i vann. De som badet, fikk fiskene helt innpå seg, og de fant ut at de ville prøve å gi dem brødsmuler. Fiskene spiste rett og slett av hendene deres! Det var en stor opplevelse!

Nå seiler vi i retning Vela Luka! Vi må gå ved hjelp av motor, for det er helt vindstille.

torsdag 18. juni 2015

18. June 2015
We did our checkout from Croatia just after breakfast and managed to get on the way towards Montenegro before lunchtime. The forcast said 15-17 knots wind from NE before 12:00 changing 10-12 knots from NW. The distance from Calvtat to Port Montenegro is approximate 20-22 nm and we expexted arrival before 15:00.
Marina Port Montenegro is really a nice marina with a fantastic service from the personell. When we arrive they take us arround to the Police for emigration, to the harbour master of the city and finally to the customs before we go to the Marina office. With help from the marina the check-in procedures were done within 30-40 minutes and we could take the boat from the transit quay to the dedicated mooring location inside the marina. The position given to us were next to several boats 50 meter or longer. Our "small" 17meter boat looked like their tenderboat between all the really big yachts.

At least 10-20 of the boats larger than 80 ft were sailing under the British Carman Island flag. Most if not all the larger boats (minimum 400 boats) were sailing under other flags than Montenegro.
The marina booked us a car which should be on the quayside near to the boat tomorrow morning. We will be driving in to the countryside on a route recomended by the personell at the marinaoffice. The marina office is operating as a travelagent and really give good service. I would have recomended many marina offices arround to go to Marina Montenegro and learn what "service" really is all about.
17. June 2015
The weather forcast indicated gail in the afternoon, but we did not experiance any more than 15-17 knots of wind before we fixed our line top the quayside in Cavtat. For a few hours we had calm weather and our young crew asked us to park the boat such as they could have a swim. We hooked on the leider and soon after both of them were swimming aft of the boat to cool down. The sea temperature were about 25 degr C which I understood were very nice.

We arrived Cavtat 18:00 and made our lines with the aft toward the quay using our own anchor in the front. After we had fixed our mooring we could enjoy the view of several boats having some challange using their own anchor and reverse their boat in between the larger (80-100ft's) super yachts. One 50-60 feet motorboat really had a challange since they hooked in to one of the superyachts anchor and lifting their anchor from the bottom. It gave us at least 30 minutes entertining before we went for a nice dinner at the seafront. (the boat needed divers to get the two anchors apart) We all enjoyed the dinner before we went for a walk. Cavtat is a nice litle city with the most southern border checkout/checkin point to Croatia. During the evening the wind increased to strong gail, but we had a good position in the harboar and did not really noticed the wind to much.

tirsdag 16. juni 2015

Baska Voda, 15.06.2015


Today seems to be another nice and hot day. We managed to do without air conditioning, but we kept both windows and doors open. We had our morning-bath before  seven o' clock, and now we've had breakfast. Terje is at the barber, and I have a quiet moment writing the blog. We're still waiting for the young couple to wake up, so I think I'll go and book pedicure by mid day. It's too hot to be outside anyway.
After breakfast, the men went shopping in Makarska, while the ladies went to the hairdressers for a nice haircut and pedicure. Later on we decided to visit Mostar. After all we thought we'd heard that it was just an hour of driving one way. We figured out that it could be possible to drive back and forth between Baska Voda and Mostar within 3 hours. We managed to get a couple of photos from the old town before we had to hurry back for delivery of the hired car, and we were half an hour late.

Between Hvar and Peljesac, 16.06.15

Now we are cruising towards Monte Negro. We have to check out from Croatia once a year, and that's what we're going to do now.